الخميس، 30 يناير 2025

The most important positives of the ruling issued yesterday evening against former Senator Bob Menendez and his gang is a message to the American authorities that includes freezing any other future attempts by the Sisi regime to bribe other American officials in the US Senate to make falsehood right and a lesson for all bribers for fear of being arrested and spending the rest of their lives in prison.


The most important positives of the ruling issued yesterday evening against former Senator Bob Menendez and his gang is a message to the American authorities that includes freezing any other future attempts by the Sisi regime to bribe other American officials in the US Senate to make falsehood right and a lesson for all bribers for fear of being arrested and spending the rest of their lives in prison.

The American ruling against former US Senator Bob Menendez yesterday evening, Wednesday, January 29, 2025, to 11 years in prison on charges of corruption after he was convicted of abusing his power in his position and accepting to work as an agent for the Egyptian government in Washington and the US Senate during his tenure as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in exchange for receiving bribes from the Egyptian regime in the form of huge sums of money, gold bars, a luxury car, and other things.

Earlier in the day, Wattel Hanna, the Egyptian-American businessman who connected Menendez to Egyptian intelligence officials, was sentenced to more than seven years in prison and fined $1.25 million. Wattel Hanna, an American real estate developer who helped frame Menendez for Egyptian intelligence officials, was sentenced to more than seven years in prison and fined $1.75 million, despite having no prior experience in such matters, according to the indictment. He became an “overnight millionaire” despite having no prior experience in such matters, and was reportedly paid by the Egyptian government to Menendez, his wife, and the rest of the gang, prosecutors said. These deterrent sentences against former Senator Bob Menendez and his gang, and the pending verdict against his wife, are a message to the American authorities that includes freezing any other future attempts by the Sisi regime to bribe other American officials in the US Senate or even the US administration to make falsehood right and a lesson for all bribers for fear of being arrested and spending the rest of their lives in prison.

The American authorities are now supposed to take punitive measures against everyone who participated in this farce by the Egyptian regime, as well as completely preventing any attempts to infiltrate the US House of Representatives and Senate again with bribes so that it can carry out its message for which the American people elected it, and also completely preventing any other attempts again to export American meat to Egypt with forged certificates and mediations, and preventing the monopoly of its export from the United States to Egypt and any other country on one person who enjoys the support of the authorities of the exporting country in exchange for bribes.

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